Bob Rotella – 7 Steps To A Winning Mindset

“Exceptional people really do come to believe that the journey is more important than the destination.” 

― Bob Rotella, How Champions Think: In Sports and in Life

Dr. Rotella has dedicated his life to helping coaches, athletes and business leaders to master their chosen professions. Check out his 7 Steps To A Winning Mindset:

1. Visualisation – Invest time in visualisation to create a winning mindset.

2. Emotion – You’re unstoppable if you’re unflappable.

3. Pressure – If you want to be great you have to learn to thrive on pressure and embrace it.

4. Stand-out – To separate yourself from the rest you have to go after greatness.

5. Hard work – If you want to be great you’ve got to do things most people refuse to do.

6. Consistency – You’ve got to be an everyday player.

7. Limitless – Realise the only limits out there are the ones you make up in your head.

Pendulum Summit returns to the Convention Centre Dublin on January 10th and 11th, 2017.